Whether you’re having a camp out with your kids in the backyard or you’re up in the mountains, being prepared will make the adventure much more memorable. Read through the advice below to gain some inspiration about how to prepare for your next camping trip. You will be happy to have found this information.
Make sure that you both carry a survival kit and then get in the habit of always having it with you. A survival kit should consist of matches, first aid necessities a flare gun and a knife. Your kit may be all that stands between you and certain death if you become lost, as the items within it are essential to survival. Keep it with you at all times when you leave your campsite for any reason.
Don’t be afraid of bringing too much if you have kids. Camping can be messy. The dirt is like a magnet that draws your children into the mess. This means that by day’s end your children and their clothes can be quite soiled. The solution is not to stop them from getting dirty, but to have clean clothes ready for them after they are done. Be prepared!
Go to a class to learn about first aid. You will have all of the medical knowledge you will need in case of an accident. Also be sure to do all the research you can about the area. Be sure you are aware whether there are any snakes or spiders that are poisonous and what kind of critters are out there in the area.
If possible, incorporate swimming into your camping trip. While you are camping in the great outdoors, it can be very easy to miss taking your daily shower. Swimming can help you feel a little cleaner.
If you are going camping, whether with others or alone, a survival kit is essential. The contents of the kit may change depending on where you camp and who you are with, but it should contain basic supplies. Some extra emergency supplies like anti-venom may be included, too, depending on the types of wildlife you may encounter.
To make your camping trip more enjoyable, bring along something luxurious. Bring a lightweight, easy-to-carry item like good chocolate, cream for coffee or another reminder of home with you. Small luxuries can make things more enjoyable!
Plan your first camping trip close to home. You could have gear issues or you might want to shorten your trip. You may run out of supplies early. A lot of issues can happen for the new camper, so do not go too far for your first camp trip.
If you will be camping in an area that is known for having dangerous wildlife, you need to double up your precautions when it comes to food. Wrap your food up tightly so that smells don’t escape and store it away from your sleeping tent area. This will reduce your chances of being attacked.
Camping’s main idea is to generally live off of the land, however, you still need to be well-prepared. You should bring your sleeping bag, plus some extra blankets. They can be used as padding or for warmth.
Trail Mix
Bring trail mix and beef jerky. By nightfall, you may be too exhausted to prepare a campfire and cook, and having the quick, nutritious foods will really come in handy. Trail mix and beef jerky are non-perishable foods, so they will keep for very long periods of time; you can even bring them home with you if you do not eat them at the campsite.
Bring a good utility knife when you camp. A utility knife is one of the most versatile and important pieces of equipment that no camper should be without.
Camping can be a great get away, or a living nightmare. Preparation is the difference between the two. As long as you are adequately prepared for the possible difficulties you could encounter, your camping trip should be most enjoyable.
Duct Tape
Duct tape is an important piece of camping equipment. Although tents tend to be more durable nowadays, they may still get torn. Well-placed duct tape can save a trip, especially when a hole rips on the top of your tent.
When choosing a sleeping bag, make sure that you pick one that is meant for the season and climate in which you plan to camp. In summer weather, for example, you’ll need a light bag that will help you stay cool. This is a good piece of knowledge to follow because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable sleeping.
People that are new at camping sometimes mistakenly set up their camps near restrooms. While this may appear a wise idea, it does not take long to discover otherwise. Bathrooms have constant light and lots of foot traffic. Therefore, they end up not having the convenience and comfort that they expected.
When camping, how will you cook your food? Decide how you will cook early on, so that you can prepare accordingly. If you want to eat food that is cooked over an open flame, you must have the proper equipment.
Make sure that all food brought along on a camping trip is preserved and prepared properly. If you bring food, pack them in waterproof containers and airtight re-sealable plastic bags. Keep food in insulated coolers. Cooked food should be kept separate from raw in order to prevent cross-contamination. Using hand sanitizer or soap, keep hands and prep surfaces clean when dealing with food. Cook all food to safe temperatures, and chill foods as soon as they cool down.
As you have seen, camping is an activity enjoyed by many people. Taking what you have gained here, it is time to plan a camping trip everyone can enjoy. Take the initiative and bask in the glories of the natural world.