Going camping in the back country can be an exciting adventure, but you need to be well-prepared to stay comfortable and safe. Use the advice here to help your next trip go off without a hitch.
Let those you are camping with help pick the site. This will make everyone feel invested. The U.S. has dozens of great camping options. Try to select a short-list and then put it to a family vote.
When you’re getting a brand new tent for your camping trip, take it out and set it up at home before you go camping. This will let you know that you’re not missing pieces from your tent and that you know how to pitch your tent in the right way. A little practice can eliminate the frustration of setting up a new piece of camping equipment.
Pack additional clothes when going camping. Camping can get very messy and dirty when you bring your children. Kids love to play in the dirt and will bring it back to your tent. As the day goes on, your kids will get messier and messier. While there is nothing you can do about that, you can have some extra clothing just in case. Stay ahead of the game!
If you are not prepared for your camping trip, your fun excursion can turn dangerous fast. When you are prepared, you avoid many of the common mistakes that are made on camping trips. Research the area you are planning on camping at.
Incorporate swimming into your camping trip. When camping, you may find you miss your home shower. The water helps you feel refreshed and a bit cleaner so that you don’t miss showering quite as much.
Emergency Kit
An emergency kit is a very important component to have while camping. Pack an emergency kit that contains basic first aid supplies as well as anything needed for the specific location in which you are camping. For example, if you are camping in an area that may have poison ivy, make sure you pack hydro-cortisone.
Even the most natural experience can allow for one nice luxury from home. Take something like creamer for your coffee or a chocolate candy bar. Small luxuries can make things more enjoyable!
Be sure you set up camp before nighttime comes around. Find a safe place to park if you’re in an RV. Find a flat, dry piece of ground if you’re pitching a tent. If you do that before it gets dark, you can get a good look at your immediate surroundings. This will save you from feeling stressed and frustrated, as you can see exactly what you’re doing.
Pack the duct tape. Duct tape is good for so many things. This can help to seal and protect your tent and even protect your body.
Always become familiar with the potential dangers of a campsite before you enter it. For example, there might be poisonous spiders or dangerous trails. Every camping trip has different dangers.
Camping Trip
If this your first time going on a camping trip? If you are not sure how to put your tent up, practice before going on your camping trip. By doing this, you will know all the equipment that you will need to take with you to effectively pitch the tent. This will help you set up camp in a hurry if you get to the site just before dark.
When you are camping, be sure you choose the right sleeping bag for the site conditions. Lightweight sleeping bags tend to work better in warmer weather and heavyweight sleeping bags tend to work better in colder weather. Be sure the bags you bring hug your body so your body heat is contained.
Don’t let your children out of your sight. Cars abound at campgrounds, and it is easy for a little one to walk into the woods and have trouble getting out. It takes just a second and something can happen; therefore be certain you always give kids the proper supervision.
Pay attention to where you’re setting up camp. You have to figure out a spot that doesn’t have too many insects or problems with any animals. To keep the bugs off of your skin, wear garments that cover your skin especially if plant life is abundant. A strong bug spray is also something you want on hand, especially if the vegetation is very thick.
Pack wisely and carefully. Keep a checklist of the things you need and check them off as you collect and pack them. This is crucial if you are camping in an area that is remote and has limited access to emergency assistance.
Make sure waterproof matches are in your survival kit. Store them inside an airtight container. You can make your own matches waterproof by putting them in nail polish or paraffin. An empty prescription bottle or an old film container makes great storage for your matches.
Don’t forget the toilet paper. If you don’t happen to have toilets at your site, your only option will be to go in the woods. Leaves may have poison on them, as you will want to use toilet paper to wipe.
When you are properly prepared you can truly enjoy the great outdoors without stress. Using these tips mentioned above can help you enjoy a safe and relaxing trip and also prepare you for any problems you may encounter.