Many people do not realize how much fun camping can be for everyone. The beauty of a natural setting to wake to each morning and the peace and quiet to lull you to sleep every night is beyond compare. If you want to camp, then now is the time, more than ever, to get to it.
You need to make sure your sleeping bag is sufficient for the climate. Bringing a winter bag camping in summer can cause you to roast all night. And if you taking a sleeping bag that is light-weight, you are going to freeze. You may even risk hypothermia.
Expect that camping is not typically a time you can stay clean easily. When you know that going in, you won’t stress out when it happens. Enjoy your time and don’t afraid to be messy. You can get cleaned up when you return home.
Choose a tent large enough for everyone that will be expected to use it. This helps you to have a more comfy night’s sleep, and trips in and out of the tent will be less disturbing for those who are sleeping.
Go to a class to learn about first aid. This way, should an accident occur, at least you are properly prepared until help arrives. Also remember to research other dangers near your camping location. It is also best to know what exists in the area you will be in so that you can prepare for that as well.
Bring things like a bandanna and handkerchief along with you. These can be used in a pinch if you need a potholder, towel or even something to carry an item in. There are a lot of different uses for it, so make sure you bring one on every camping trip with you.
Kids generally love camping, but plan some activities for them ahead of time. Do not let the absence of TV and video games lead them to complain that they are bored. In today’s techno society, children may not be accustomed to the great outdoors. Show them how to do these things before you leave if they haven’t spent a lot of times outdoors.
When it comes to camping, anything can happen and it’s important to always be prepared. It’s important to plan for anything, but the unexpected could still happen. There are many things that can go wrong, including illness, injury or extreme weather conditions. Do not be careless, because this can get in the way of you having fun.
Find a soft and flat spot to pitch your tent when you are camping in the wilderness. Picking a sloped or rocky spot causes you to feel uncomfortable anytime you sit in your tent. A tarp should be laid on the ground before the tent is set up to keep moisture out.
Bring a good utility knife when you camp. Utility knives can be quite versatile, so be sure to have an extra with you.
Charge your cellular phone to maximum capacity before you leave on your trip. You might want to bring an extra battery as well just in case your original runs low. A cellphone can save your skin in bad situations, but only if it has a battery.
Always pack a roll of duct tape when you go camping. Tents are pretty durable, but they still have the tendency to get weathered and torn. A few strips of this durable tape can keep you dry and cozy at night if your tent is damaged during the day.
Figure out how to use a compass and read a map in advance. Even if you know what your campsite is like, you may still get lost because a lot of areas look similar around where you are. Also, this will help to avoid tragedy with friends or family.
When setting up the tent, know how to seal every seam. Some tents are sold with material to seal the seams, and the majority of sporting goods stores have tube available for the purpose. This will allow you to keep wild animals and bad weather from getting into your tent.
Try to prevent your tent from getting wet and be sure it is properly ventilated. With no ventilation, condensation can form in the tent. This can cause you to wake up wet. Tents sometimes have vents that are built in or windows that can be opened to prevent the build up of moisture.
Keep old shower curtains around to use as disposable tarps for under your tent. You can also use it as a way to control run-off as you are washing or cooking. Instead of just sending your shower curtain to the trash, you can save it for another use when you go camping.
First aid kits should be in everyone’s camping arsenal. The kit should contain anything that you will need in case of an accident. Your personal first aid kit needs to contain pain reliever, bandages, splinting materials, snake bite treatments and wound dressings. Of course, you need to pay attention to your safety and try to avoid accidents. However, you need your kit to prepare you for when accidents do happen.
Now that you know more about camping, you should be able to plan out your next trip. Just be sure to go prepared, use the tips you’ve learned and act cautiously in the woods. No matter how long or short your trip may be, the tips above are sure to serve you well.