Are you planning a camping trip? Are you prepared for common situations that you may encounter on your trip? Although in general camping is pretty simple and safe, it is still important to take some time to prepare yourself for such an adventure. Keep reading for some top camping tips.
Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. Bringing a sub-zero type of sleeping bag to use on a trip in the summer will make you sweat the entire night. Conversely, if you bring a light-weight sleeping bag to a winter camping trip, you can be extremely uncomfortable the entire time. You could even develop hypothermia or frostbite if it’s very cold.
Enroll in a first aid course, especially if your trip will include kids. With the training you receive, you will be better prepared to handle an accident or other emergency situation while you wait for medical assistance. Make sure you do the proper research. Are there any poisonous snakes, plants or any other things you should know before you head out?
If you are camping in the summer, go swimming too. While you are camping in the great outdoors, it can be very easy to miss taking your daily shower. The coolness of the water when you swim will help you feel clean and refreshed, so you may not miss your home shower as much.
Carry a bandana or handkerchief with you. These can be used for several things, like drying your hands or holding a hot pot. This is an essential item that does not cost a lot of money and can provide a lot of benefits.
Dryer Lint
Dryer lint makes surprisingly good kindling for starting campfires. Start collecting lint from the filter in your tumble dryer several weeks before your camping adventure. To make it easy to collect dryer lint, simply hang a bag next to the dryer and fill with your lint. By doing this, you’ll be able to collect the kindling on the day you’re taking the trip.
Oranges taste great, but they can also help keep mosquitoes away from you. Save the peels when you’re done eating and gently rub them on your face, arms, legs or any other exposed areas, and you keep the pesky bugs away with no harsh chemicals and for a great price!
Duct tape can be used to solve many problems on camping trips. It works quickly for inflatable leaks, tent holes, worn soles on shoes, sealing mosquito nets, securing tent poles, and so much more.
Find soft, flat ground for your tent and make sure to stick your flag in that soil before the other guy! If you select a bumpy or slanted area, you will have an uncomfortable experience in your tent. Always put down a tarp in order to stop water from getting into your tent.
Think carefully on your next trip to prevent the drainage of your flashlight batteries. You can easily bump the power button on the flashlight while digging for things in a bag. To prevent this from draining the batteries, store the batteries in the flashlight backwards until you need to use it. That way, the flashlight cannot possibly drain the batteries if the ON button is bumped.
Sleeping Bag
Take some time to find the right sleeping bag for the climate conditions at your campsite. Use a lightweight sleeping bag for hot weather and a heavy sleeping bag for cold weather. Make sure that your sleeping bag hugs your body. You want to be able to retain body heat.
It’s vital to pack first aid and survival kits. These are things that can make a big difference when things go wrong so you don’t have to abort your trip early. You can avoid making situations worse, and you can take an injured person for help in a safe way.
Pack wisely and carefully. Prepare a list of supplies, and use this to check off items as they are packed. If you are planning to camp in an area away from first aid access, then this will be especially necessary.
Duct Tape
It’s essential to take duct tape on every camping trip. You might have a nice tent, but tears can still happen. Having some duct tape can help you repair many things that unexpectedly tear or break.
Waterproof matches should be added to your camping survival kit. These need to be kept in a container that’s airtight. You can waterproof regular matches by dunking them in nail polish or paraffin, a type of wax. You can make a carrying case for matches by putting them in a film canister or a small plastic medicine bottle.
Even if it seems silly, bring toilet paper. If there are no toilets at your destination, you will need to use nature as a bathroom. Rather than using leaves as a substitute, just bring your own toilet paper.
New campers frequently set up their camps near the restrooms. While this may appear a wise idea, it does not take long to discover otherwise. For example, there is a lot of foot traffic in these areas, as well as bright lights. So, they may not have the comfort and convenience that they hoped for.
Have you thought about how you are going to prepare food when you are camping? Decide how you will cook early on, so that you can prepare accordingly. Most people like to cook on a flame, but this can be really hard without preparation.
Armed with the advice in the piece above, you ought to have a good feel for what you should consider prior to your trip. Camping trips need not be complicated, but, as you can see, there are some basic tips that can really help. Take what you have found here and go forth into the woods!