Camping is a great way to bond with family and friends. However, many people have never tried it because they think it is too difficult. It isn’t that hard if you get the right advice first. Keep reading for camping advice that will turn you into an eager camper in no time.
When you go camping, you wand to find shelter before the sun goes down. Finding the right spot for your tent, gathering firewood and making dinner are all a lot tougher after darkness settles in. This is especially true if you are an urbanite whose sight is not used to the pitch dark. To prevent this from happening to you, you should set up your camp immediately when you arrive.
You might think that you can find all of the wood that you need to keep the fire going, but there is a good chance that the wood will be wet. To prevent this problem, bring along a few pieces of your own wood. Make sure to keep that wood dry in your car or another secure location.
Make sure your medical insurance is up-to-date. You might need a new policy if you go to another state. This is especially true if you are traveling out of the country. Be sure you’re prepared to be on the safe side!
When camping alone or in the company of friends, always bring an emergency kit. Always keep the bare basics with you in the kit, and make sure that you have water purification tablets in it as well. For example, if you will be camping in a Southern state you should certainly carry anti-venom for the local wildlife that you may encounter.
Even if you’re roughing it, you can better your camping experience by bring a small luxury. Try bringing something portable and lightweight, like a candy bar or some cream for your coffee. These things can help to keep you happy and make your trip more enjoyable.
Don’t forget to pack up some duct tape when you’re camping because it’s very versatile. You can use it to repair holes in tents, inflatables, shoes and just about anything else you can think of.
Kids love camping, but you need to plan out activities for them to do on the trip. If you’re out in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do, boredom will set in. They may not be used to thing like fishing and pitching a tent. Consider introducing your kids to these things in advance of your trip so they know how to do them and view them as fun.
If your dog will be joining you on your camping trip, keep him leashed and under constant supervision. Some people are afraid of dogs. Respect is important when camping. Additionally, your dog could really destroy anyone’s campsite if left on his own, including yours.
When you are camping around dangerous creatures, you have to be even safer regarding food. This means to wrap things up as tight as possible, keeping things away from your shelter and avoiding certain foods altogether. Making sure to do this, will lessen any chance of a wild animal attack.
Sleeping Bag
Pick an appropriate sleeping bag for the camping climate. Bags that are light are good for warmer places and a sleeping bag that’s heavier works best when things are colder. If you are staying in a tent, use a sleeping bag that fits to the contours of your body in order to maintain your body temperature.
Bringing your survival kit and first aid kit is crucial. These two kits are essential for your safety and well being. You can keep a potentially serious injury from getting worse until you can get help for the injured person.
Camping can either be a beautifully relaxing journey, or it can be a virtual nightmare. Being prepared creates the division between the two possibilities. As long as you are adequately prepared for the possible difficulties you could encounter, your camping trip should be most enjoyable.
Figure out how to read maps and use a compass before your camping trips. Even if this isn’t your first time at the site, it’s easy to get lost in the woods since a lot of things look the same. To avoid a potential tragedy, carry a map and compass with you.
Bring toilet paper along when you travel. Many camping trips involve trees as toilets. Using leaves to wipe could open yourself to mistakenly wiping with poison ivy, so be sure you remember the toilet paper.
When you are planning a long trip, bring games to increase the amount of fun that you have. If you pack a bunch of electronic gadgets, it might conflict with the reasons why you chose a camping trip. However, there are few things better than sitting by a lake reading a great book or relaxing by a campfire listening to music.
Be sure to pack lots of sunscreen. Protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is very important when camping. Be sure that your sunscreen’s ability to protect you is sufficient enough. It would be even better to get a sunscreen that also has bug protection. This will keep your pack light and save you time.
Bring lots of dryer lint on your camping adventure. If might sound odd, but lint can help you start a campfire. The lint creates flames that are brighter than those made with wood chips or twigs. All you need to start a fire is some lint and a spark.
Camping really isn’t so hard after all! Anyone can do it! Apply what you’ve just learned on your upcoming camping trip. You should be well on the way to an adventure that will help you get closer with nature.