There aren’t many other things that equal the excitement of camping. The fresh air and outdoor environment will help you have loads of fun. The following article contains helpful tips you can use when you are ready for a great camping trip.
Bring along a sleeping bag appropriate for the season. If you use a heavy winter sleeping bag in summer, this can be stifling and uncomfortable. On the other hand, bringing a light-weight bag in the middle of winter could cause you to wake up freezing. You could even develop hypothermia or frostbite if it’s very cold.
While you think nature will provide enough wood for your fire to continue burning, it may be wet, which will not burn. It is good planning to take your own wood with you and store it where it is dry.
Remember that your loved ones and possessions will get filthy. Being prepared for the inevitable is the best way to avoid unneeded stress. Have fun on your trip and don’t worry about getting messy; it happens. You can reclaim the normalcy in your life when you arrive back home.
When choosing a tent, pick one that has plenty of room for you and all of your camping companions. This ensures the most comfortable sleeping arrangement and allows you to move about without disturbing others.
Consider taking a CPR and first aid class. This is especially important if young children are traveling with you. You will be prepared for any accidents that may occur and can survive until you reach professional medical care. Also remember to research other dangers near your camping location. Know if there are any poisonous snakes in the area, what type of wild animals call those woods their home, etc.
Before leaving on a camping trip, check the forecast for your destination. Lots of websites offer detailed information about average temperatures and rainfall. When you know what to expect, you will have the right clothes packed.
Preparation and organization are chief factors to facilitate a great camping trip. When you are prepared, you avoid many of the common mistakes that are made on camping trips. Research the area to learn about the wildlife and the geography and climate.
Don’t miss the opportunity to add swimming activities to your next camping trip. You might long for a good shower when you are camping. A swim may help you to not miss the luxury of your shower quite so much.
Try using dryer lint to help you start your campfire. Around four weeks prior to camping, start keeping the lint that you clean from your dryer filter. Collecting lint in a bag will allow you to have a fire building tool for your trip. That technique lets you simply grab the kindling you’ll use right before you go on your trip.
Emergency kits are one of the most important things to bring on a camping trip. What you include will depend on where you are going and when. Some extra emergency supplies like anti-venom may be included, too, depending on the types of wildlife you may encounter.
Oranges can be used as a food source and a way to repel mosquitoes while you camp. Rubbing orange peels on your body will function as a perfect insect repellent.
Duct Tape
Duct tape is an interesting item to be included in your inventory while camping. Its multipurpose properties aren’t only useful at home, they can be used in the wild too. Duct tape can be used to repair anything. Use it to cover any holes or rips that appear in tents or hold together items that break. You can even put some under your feet before long hikes so that you don’t get blisters. You can also put it over bandages for extra protection.
Now you know that nothing is as great as camping. Fresh air, beautiful things to look at and that outdoor feeling are all part of the appeal. With this article’s advice, your next camping trip will be an amazing experience.