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Top Camping Advice Straight From The Experts

Thanks to the insurgence of reality shows that focus on surviving in the wild, camping has become very popular in recent years. If you are one of these people and you want some tips and strategies on how to have a fun and safe camping adventure, continue reading for some great advice.

Sleeping Bag

Select a sleeping bag which is right for the season. A winter bag for the summer will cause you to sweat all night. Conversely, if you bring a light-weight sleeping bag to a winter camping trip, you can be extremely uncomfortable the entire time. You might develop hypothermia.

When purchasing a brand new tent, put it together once at home before going on your camping trip. This will not only familiarize you with the process, it will allow you to ensure there are no missing pieces or defects. This also helps you not to be frustrated when you’re trying to pitch your tent.

Be sure your tent is big enough. This will make it easy for you all to have a comfortable time sleeping, and moving around in the middle of the night when nature calls for people.

If you’re camping with kids, try a “jungle breakfast”. Bring several, small boxes of easy-to-fix foods, such as cereals, fruits, snacks, and other quick, yet healthy, meals. Make your children “hunt” them in the wild; like a great outdoorsman. This is a wonderful way to add fun to their camping enjoyment.

Don’t miss the opportunity to add swimming activities to your next camping trip. While you are camping in the great outdoors, it can be very easy to miss taking your daily shower. The coolness of the water will help you feel cleaner and more refreshed, so you won’t miss your shower as much as you thought you might!

Oranges are not only a healthy snack to take on a camping trip, but they are also versatile when used as a mosquito repellent. Use the peels to rub your body down. It is a low-cost, chemical-free way to keep bugs away.

Make sure that your camp site is complete before night breaks. If you driving an RV, you should locate a safe parking spot. Find a piece of ground that’s flat and dry if you are putting up a tent. This should be done before nightfall as is it much more difficult to navigate when it is dark. Since you will know what you are doing, you’ll prevent frustration.

Make sure to bring duct tape on your camping trip to fix almost any problem. It’s easy to use, can hold out moisture and will even fix a leak or a broken shoe!

Ensure that you pack everything that you will need before leaving for a camping trip. It would be a shame to arrive at your campsite only to realize you have forgotten some important items, like food and water. Double check all your supplies to make sure they are accounted for and in working condition. Do this before you leave.

If you’re going to camp somewhere where dangerous animals reside, you need to make sure you’re very careful about your food. This means to wrap things up as tight as possible, keeping things away from your shelter and avoiding certain foods altogether. This will reduce the chance of an attack.

Bring along a sleeping bag made for the current weather. Hot weather calls for a lightweight bag, while heavier bags are needed for colder temperatures. The main goal with your sleeping bag is to conserve body heat, which means having a snug bag that hugs the body.

Think about your clothing before your camping adventure. Take extra pairs of clothes to last you throughout your whole trip. Be sure to also carry clothing that is weather and climate appropriate on your trip. Shoes need to be closed and durable, especially for hiking.

Be aware of where your campsite is. You don’t want to overlook something like a snake hole, take a little precaution. If the campsite has a lot of vegetation, protect exposed skin by wearing long pants and sleeves. It may be wise to take along bug spray too.

Trail mix and beef jerky are a couple great things to bring along on a camping trip. Nutrient filled snacks can replace the need to cook if you don’t have the means or the energy. As an added benefit these snacks have a long shelf life, so if you do not eat them while camping you can enjoy them for months to come.

Always make sure your mobile phone battery is fully charged. Even better, bring extra batteries so you are prepared if there is an emergency. Your cell phone can help should an emergency arise.

A camping trip could be a relaxing, tranquil experience, or it could end up being a vacation from hell. The difference between each experience all comes down to how prepared you are. If you plan and prepare for various situations, you will probably have a good time.

There are a few important things to keep in mind if you are going camping. However, after reading this, you should be able to handle the basic stuff. Now that you have some idea of what to expect, you will be able to focus on having a blast during your trip!

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