Discovering the outdoors and seeing what Mother Nature has to offer is not only fun, but filled with adventure; it is imperative that you take some precautions and gather some basic knowledge. Keep reading to find insights and advice for planning a successful camping trip.
Find your shelter before it gets dark. Once darkness falls, it is very difficult to set up camp. This is particularly true for those city-dwellers that are not used to pitch-black darkness. Avoid this by setting up your shelter ahead of time.
Sleeping Bag
Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. Bringing a sub-zero type of sleeping bag to use on a trip in the summer will make you sweat the entire night. And if you taking a sleeping bag that is light-weight, you are going to freeze. You may even get hypothermia.
Anytime you buy a tent, be sure to practice setting it up and taking it down in your backyard prior to actually camping. It will help you make sure that all of the parts are included and learn how to set it up right. This can eliminate the aggravation felt when setting up your tent.
Make sure your tent is of ample size. This assures there is enough sleeping and moving around room.
Pack a bandanna or handkerchief. This single fabric piece can be used as a carrying bag, hand towel, paper towel, potholder, and blotter. It is very versatile, so be sure you take one with you every time you go camping.
Dryer lint makes surprisingly good kindling for starting campfires. In order to have enough lint to start a fire, begin collecting it a month prior to your trip. Hang up a grocery bag beside your dryer and collect the lint in it. Your kindling will be ready for you to grab on the way out the door for your trip.
Always remember to bring a roll of duct tape with you when you go camping as it can be used for all manner of things. It’s easy to use, can hold out moisture and will even fix a leak or a broken shoe!
If you are new to camping, you should camp near your home. If you have any equipment issues, it is better and easier to cut your trip short when you do not have so far to travel. Maybe you will find out that there isn’t enough food or clean clothes to continue. A lot of issues can happen to those camping the first time, so camp not too far away on your initial adventure.
Should you decide to bring your dog, pack a long leash and prepare everyone to keep careful watch on the pet. There are campers who do not like dogs. You must consider them when you are camping, too. Also, dogs can cause damage if you let them run free, so be sure to keep control of them at all times.
Are you the proud owner of your first tent and a beginner at the art of camping? Spend time practicing pitching a tent prior to leaving for your trip. This will help ensure that your trip goes smoothly, for a more enjoyable trip when you understand your tent. This lets you get it done before night falls.
Spending time camping in the great outdoors is much more enjoyable when you feel prepared. These tips will help you to enjoy your next trip in safety.