Can you remember the most recent time you enjoyed a great camping trip? Camping is the perfect way to get in touch with nature and relax. You can leave the stresses of the office behind and completely unplug from the world. If you want to have a great camping experience just read the article that is found below.
Search out shelter before the sun sets when you are camping. Once darkness falls, it is very difficult to set up camp. This is especially true if you are an urbanite whose sight is not used to the pitch dark. Avoid this hazard completely, by finding adequate shelter long before the sun goes down.
Sleeping Bag
Select the right sleeping bag for the season. Don’t take a heavy sleeping bag out in the summer, it could make you sweat and be uncomfortable all night long. On the other hand, bringing a lightweight sleeping bap for a winter trip can make you really uncomfortable the entire trip. Extremely cold weather can bring about frostbite.
Do a “jungle breakfast” if you are bringing kids. To do this, tie cereal and juice boxes to trees so that your kids have to hunt for their breakfest. When the children awake, tell them that they have to “hunt” to get breakfast. It is a fun way to start the day and something for the kids to look forward to each morning.
Try to fit swimming into your schedule in some way. Any time you go camping, you are likely to miss taking a shower. The coolness of the water when you swim will help you feel clean and refreshed, so you may not miss your home shower as much.
Bring along a bandana or handkerchief. You can use these as hand towels, cleanup towels, pot holders or anything you need cloth for. Because there are so many versatile uses for them, bringing one or two on each camping trip is a good idea.
Talk to your children about the dangers of camping before heading out on your trip. Use the Internet to teach them about things like poison ivy and the like, and ensure that they will approach nature with respect and caution.
Plan your first camping trip close to home. If you have any equipment issues, it is better and easier to cut your trip short when you do not have so far to travel. Perhaps you realize that you’ve run out of food or haven’t packed enough clothing. A variety of issues could arise if you don’t know what to expect, so being close to home can prevent you from feeling stranded and stuck.
Keep a close eye on your dog while you are camping and always keep him on a leash. Not all people are dog lovers, and some are extremely terrified of dogs. You should be respectful of other campers while at the site. Also, dogs can damage things around your campsite, or another person’s if they aren’t being watched.
Make sure you have activities to do while camping. Card games, fishing poles, and a list for a scavenger hunt are all great activities. If you bring your kids, these games will help to fill the void when there is free time.
If you’re camping where there is dangerous wildlife, double your food reserves. Take safety precautions, such as wrapping your items in many layers for protection. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing an attack.
Duct tape is a handy item to pack with you on any camping trip. It is versatile at camp, just like at home. It can be used as a quick patch in the case of a punctured air mattress. It can also fix up a tarp, sleeping bag, or even the tent. If you want to take a long hike it can be put on feet to keep blisters at bay. If anyone hurts themselves, it can be used for securing splints or for covering wounds, provided something soft is placed between the tape and skin.
The idea of camping is to live with just the essentials, but you should make sure to be well prepared. You’ll need a sleeping bag, as well as extra blankets. This is useful for nights where the temperature gets too cold or as extra padding when sleeping on hard ground.
Are you a first time camper who has just bought your very first sleeping tent? Learn how to pitch your tent before you leave for the campsite. When you do this, you’ll know exactly what it takes to get your tent set up in a timely manner. Practicing how to pitch a tent will also ensure you can quickly set up your tent when you arrive at your campsite.
Plan for every situation that you can think of before packing for your trip. Try to plan your camping trip as best you can, but know that unexpected events can arise. Weather can change, situations can arise, injuries or illness can strike. You need to pay attention to what you’re doing, avoid unnecessarily risky behavior, and think before you act whether you are in a crisis or a normal camping situation.
Make sure you always know where your children are. There are many people coming and going all of the time and you do not want them to get kidnapped or lost. Therefore, children should always have close supervision.
Cell Phone
It is a good idea to have a cell phone that is fully charged in your car or base camp. Even better, try bring along some spare batteries in case your phone’s battery runs out. Your cell phone makes for excellent emergency equipment, so you must ensure it does not die.
Having an enjoyable camping trip is possible, if you put the tips you read above to use. These are examples of ways that can give you a better camping experience, so always try to learn as much as you can to improve your experience each time.