Are you planning an exciting camping trip? Are you ready to learn the basics? Though common sense can cover most of these situations, it never hurts to do some homework to ensure that you cover your bases. Keep reading for camping tips.
Choose a sleeping bag that is seasonally appropriate. You are going to roast all night long in a sleeping bag designed for cold weather that you camp with during summer. On the other hand, bringing a lightweight sleeping bap for a winter trip can make you really uncomfortable the entire trip. Packing the wrong sleeping supplies is certainly uncomfortable, and it might even become dangerous.
Review your health insurance policy. Some policies will not cover you outside your own state. This is more crucial if you go camping in another country. Always be prepared.
See if you can integrate swimming into your camping trip. You are probably going to miss the shower you have at home while camping. A swim may help you to not miss the luxury of your shower quite so much.
You can easily start a campfire with lint from the dryer. Start collecting lint from the filter in your tumble dryer several weeks before your camping adventure. Keep a simple plastic or ziplock bag near your dryer to make collecting easier. Using this method, you can acquire kindling and camp in the same day.
Even if you’re roughing it, you can better your camping experience by bring a small luxury. Whether this is a nice coffee creamer, or something as simple as candy, it will make you feel like you are at home. These items can make your trip as pleasurable as possible.
Duct Tape
Don’t forget the duct tape when you pack for a camping trip, to solve just about any dilemma! From mending tent holes to fixing shoes, duct tape can be used for a lot of repair work in a pinch.
Be certain you have everything you will need before embarking on your adventure. You certainly don’t want to forget something important like your sleeping bag or tent. Have a checklist of the items you need before you leave lest something be left behind.
Make sure your children have something to do while camping. Many of today’s children are not used to downtime away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and the quiet outdoors can cause boredom for them. Children may not be familiar with activities like pitching a tent or fishing. Teach them how to perform these acts before you set out to camp.
If you are a novice camper, choose a destination close to home for your first trip. You might have gear problems, or you might figure that you want to cut your camping trip short. Novice campers sometimes don’t pack enough food or clothing, which is a problem if they are far away. First-time camping is a learning experience and anything can happen, so find a campground near your home.
Take some things to do on your camping trip. Card games, fishing poles or games like a scavenger hunt can be very entertaining in the wild. If the kids are camping with you, you’ll need to increase the amount of entertainment items that you pack.
It is extremely important to be properly equipped when you go camping. Overlooking even a small thing can ruin an entire trip. Write a list of essentials and as you pack the items, cross them off. Be sure your list includes the tent and sleeping bags, as well as food items and personal hygiene items.
Upon arrival at the campsite, find a soft, flat area of ground and pitch your tent there. Spots that are rocky, steep or wet mean an uncomfortable sleeping experience for you. Prevent water from getting in by placing a tarp or plastic sheet under the floor of your tent.
A pre-made list will help you remember exactly what you need for your camping excursion. If the campgrounds are located at fair distance from your home, then this step will be crucial. To ensure that everything gets packed, mark each item off the list as you pack it.
Make sure your shelter is ready before dark. It’s hard and frustrating to set up a tent in the dark. You will need a flashlight or you’ll have to build a fire. It is best to do this before dark so you can put it up correctly.
When you’re getting a survival kit together for camping, it’s recommended to bring waterproof matches. Even though they are water proof, you still want to have them sealed off from liquid. You can convert standard matches into waterproof ones simply by dipping each one into substances like nail polish or paraffin. Make a match holder out of a plastic medicine bottle or a 35mm film container.
Seal all the seams when pitching your tent. If you tent did not include a tube of sealer, you can find it at sporting goods stores. This will prevent rainwater or critters from getting into your tent.
People who don’t pack food correctly risk food poisoning. If you don’t preserve, pack and prepare your food right, you’re at risk. Make sure food and drinks stay at a safe temperature by using enough ice. Most coolers have a plug that you can open, this drains the excess water, so your food won’t get wet.
While it may seem silly, make sure that you pack some toilet paper before you go camping. Many camping trips involve trees as toilets. It is not advisable to use leaves, as some plants are poisonous; stay on the safe side and take some toilet paper.
As you can see from the article above, there are many helpful tips that can help you enjoy your camping trip more. Camping doesn’t have to be an extravagant event; still, time should be taken to prepare for some common problems. Remember the included information and have the time of your life camping.