When is the last time you went camping? A camping trip provides people with the opportunity to be at one with nature and to spend some time both relaxing and reflecting on life. No phone, no TV, no work related problems… just relaxation and fun. Read the information here for tips to help you fully enjoy your next camping expedition.
Always locate your shelter before dark when you are camping. It can be hard to set up camp when it’s dark outside. This is especially true if you are an urbanite whose sight is not used to the pitch dark. Don’t get into this situation, look for proper shelter before you get to this point.
While you may count on Mother Nature to have plenty of wood to stoke your campfire, you may encounter only wet wood that won’t burn. It’s a great idea to carry your own wood with you and to keep it secure in a dry area.
Take the tent into your yard and set it up before you go on your camping trip. By doing this you will be able to make sure that your tent does not have any missing parts. Furthermore, such a task will help to reassure you that you know how to errect your camping tent properly. This also helps you not to be frustrated when you’re trying to pitch your tent.
Always pack and carry a survival kit. A first aid kit, matches in a water tight container, a good knife, flares and tablet to purify water are some essentials to include. This kit could be the difference between life and death. Keep your kit with you at all times; don’t leave it at the campsite.
Make sure your medical insurance is up-to-date. You may need an additional policy when you are traveling on your camping trip. This is more crucial if you go camping in another country. Don’t get caught without the protection you need in case of an emergency situation.
When camping with children, create special themed breakfasts. Bring several, small boxes of easy-to-fix foods, such as cereals, fruits, snacks, and other quick, yet healthy, meals. Your children can then hunt these foods when they wake up. It’s a fun way to make camping a little more exciting for the children.
While kids love camping, they need to have activities planned for them. If you’re settled among the trees, they may become bored. The may not be accustomed to activities like pitching a tent or fishing. If you don’t normally spend time outside, show them before you go camping.
Talk with your children about the dangers associated with camping before you leave home. Show them pictures of plants that are poisonous so they know not to touch them.
If you are not a seasoned camper, stay close to home. You might have gear problems, or you might figure that you want to cut your camping trip short. You may not have enough food, or realize that you didn’t pack the right clothing. The first time, you should camp at close to home in the event of an emergency.
The tips here will help you have a very enjoyable camping trip. In addition to the tips listed here, there is a lot of other great information available. Stay on the lookout for more great tips and improve your camping experience everytime you go.