Ah–going camping. What a great adventure in nature that is an excellent choice for a vacation with your family or by yourself. Camping is a fantastic way to enjoy nature and all it has to offer, if one is well prepared. Read these tips to get the most enjoyment from your camping trip.
Let all the members of your family have a hand in picking your campsite. Talk about where you want to camp. The United States offers so many choices that choosing one can be hard! If necessary, select a few locations yourself, then let the family decide among your choices.
If you have bought a brand new tent in preparation for your camping trip, set it up at home first before you use it for camping. This will not only familiarize you with the process, it will allow you to ensure there are no missing pieces or defects. You will find your frustration level diminishes greatly as well.
Do not hesitate to pack too much for your kids. Camping can get very messy and dirty when you bring your children. Kids love to play in the dirt and will bring it back to your tent. That all means that you will have very dirty children as the day progresses. To prepare, bring additional clothing for your children. Staying prepared is the best way to avoid issues on your trip.
A ‘jungle breakfast’ can be a great activity for the kids. Use serving sized boxes of cereal, pieces of fruit and juice boxes and tie them to trees near your campsite. Then, when the kids wake up, have them go and “hunt” for their breakfast. This adds a little sprinkle of adventure and excitement to any camping trip.
To start your fires at camp, use dryer lint as kindling. Start collecting the lint about a month prior to your trip from the filter in your dryer. An easy way to remember to save up your lint is to keep a plastic bag near your dryer as a reminder. This is a good way to have kindling ready when it is time to go.
Be sure you set up camp before nighttime comes around. If you are traveling in an RV, park it in a well secured area. If you have a tent, carefully select the plot of land you are going to use. Doing this before night comes around will let you become accustomed to your surroundings. This can help you see what you are doing and prevent frustration.
Camping Pillows
Use specialty camping pillows when camping. Regular house pillows will become sticky and uncomfortable when exposed to humidity. They also take moisture from the air and that makes them grow mildew fast. Camping pillows are specially coated to prevent moisture absorption.
Before you plan to camp in an new area, it is important to be aware of any dangers commonly found there. You should be aware of any venomous insects or snakes, dangerous weather or cliffs in the area. Every camping spot has a few dangers to be aware of.
Kids like camping, but they need structured activities. Do not let the absence of TV and video games lead them to complain that they are bored. The may not be accustomed to activities like pitching a tent or fishing. If they aren’t used to camping activities, teach them before you leave.
Duct Tape
You need duct tape because it is a versatile, handy tool. Its multipurpose properties aren’t only useful at home, they can be used in the wild too. This can be used to close up any issues with your air mattress, which can save you money. It can also fix up a tarp, sleeping bag, or even the tent. You can even put some under your feet before long hikes so that you don’t get blisters. You can use duct tape for almost anything.
Camping is activity that is a perennial favorite for a fun packed vacation experience, but to make it a happy a safe adventure, a little bit of planning can go a long way. With any luck, this article should have given you some useful tips to have a great time and enjoy the next camping trip.