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Camping Tips And Advice Straight From The Experts

So, you’re going away on a camping trip? Does your planning take into account the simple things that can occur on any camping trip? While you may think you know the basics, it is never a waste of time to become familiar with some great camping ideas. You can find some helpful tips below.

Sleeping Bag

Select the right sleeping bag for the season. Don’t take a heavy sleeping bag out in the summer, it could make you sweat and be uncomfortable all night long. On the other hand, bringing a lightweight sleeping bap for a winter trip can make you really uncomfortable the entire trip. You might develop hypothermia.

Put together a survival pack and have it on you all the time. A first aid kit, matches in a water tight container, a good knife, flares and tablet to purify water are some essentials to include. This kit can save your life if you get into a dangerous situation. It is important that you carry your survival kit with you at all times.

Even the most natural experience can allow for one nice luxury from home. This can be something simple like fresh coffee or a favorite candy. These small luxuries can really brighten your spirits!

Bring oranges not only to eat but also to deter mosquitoes. Once you finish your orange, save the peel. Rub it easily on all your exposed skin for a chemical-free bug repellent.

Duct Tape

Pack the duct tape. Duct tape is good for so many things. You can use it to repair holes in tents, inflatables, shoes and just about anything else you can think of.

Before you decide to take off on a camping trip somewhere you’ve never been, you need to do some research on what the area is like and be aware of the local risks and dangers. You need to know about the local insect population, wild animals, natural dangers like water or steep locations and weather conditions. Each area can pose different dangers, so familiarize yourself whenever you venture somewhere new.

Bring adequate amounts of food. Also, you will want to keep food that does not spoil to put yourself in the safest position. Getting food poisoning can bring an abrupt end to a camping trip. Use proper food preparation techniques and make sure you are well-read regarding the precautions you should take.

When out in the wilds camping, it is smart to be prepared for just about anything. There is always the potential that something unexpected may happen even with the most careful planning. The weather could turn sour, injuries could occur or other unforeseen events may happen. You should not be careless, take unnecessary risks, or perform any action without considering the consequences.

Prevent the hassle of accidentally draining your flashlight’s batteries when camping. It is easy to inadvertently turn the flashlight on when digging through your camping equipment. You can safeguard the power by slipping the batteries in backwards in the flashlight cylinder. This will ensure they do not drain if the flashlight is accidentally turned on.

Orange Peel

Pesky mosquito bites can be avoided with an orange peel. Don’t worry if you forgot your bug spray. Seasoned campers suggest that you can rub your skin with the inside of an ripe orange peel. This should effectively repel mosquitoes for hours.

Every camper should possess a basic utility knife. Utility knives are a fantastic to bring along when camping because they have so many uses. Be sure you have one with you and another for backup in your gear in case one gets lost.

Bringing your survival kit and first aid kit is crucial. These are things that can make a big difference when things go wrong so you don’t have to abort your trip early. Also, you can prevent dire situations and help you to get a sick person some help.

Learn how to use a compass or read a map, beforehand. Even if you know the area well, getting lost is always a possibility. You can avoid a possible disaster by becoming knowledgeable about using these items that can save your life.

Seal all of your tent’s seams when erecting your tent. If your tent doesn’t have it, you may purchase a tube at a sporting goods store. This will prevent rainwater or critters from getting into your tent.

Always bring toilet paper when you are packing for your camping trip. If you camp in a place with no toilets, you’ll need to go in the woods. Leaves are not something you want to wipe with, since you can get poison ivy and a host of other issues. Pack toilet paper.

It is important that you practice food safety while you are out camping. Place food in sealed containers so it does not come in contact with water. Put your food in an insulated cooler. Do not place cooked and raw foods in the same area. Also keep you hands clean with soap or water-free cleaner before you handle food. Also, be sure that all food is fully cooked and that any leftovers are chilled as soon as possible.

Now that you have read this article, you should understand that are some things you need to think about for your camping trip. Camping represents a no-frills vacation, and it is important to be ready for the unexpected to occur. Take this advice with you and enjoy the campy road ahead.

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