Camping can be a truly fun recreation for your entire family! It can give everyone a chance to learn about nature and get some important relaxation time. Exploring nature can be very rewarding. You will read some great tips to help make your next outdoor experience a great one.
Don’t fear that you are overpacking for your kids on a camping trip. Camping can be a bit messy. Children, in particular, love to get their hands in the dirt. As they go about enjoying the natural surroundings, you may find that dirt is added to dirt. It is almost impossible to prevent, but luckily, you will not need to worry if you have extra clothes on hand. Keep yourself ready at all times.
A jungle breakfest is a great way to add excitement to your trip. Bring several, small boxes of easy-to-fix foods, such as cereals, fruits, snacks, and other quick, yet healthy, meals. Then, when the kids wake up, have them go and “hunt” for their breakfast. This makes an interesting diversion for them during the trip.
If you are going camping, whether with others or alone, a survival kit is essential. Pack an emergency kit that contains basic first aid supplies as well as anything needed for the specific location in which you are camping. For example, if you will be camping in a Southern state you should certainly carry anti-venom for the local wildlife that you may encounter.
Try to schedule activities for your children such as board games or card games. Kids can easily get bored if you are in the woods for a long time. They may not have any experience with things such as fishing or setting up a tent. Allow them to practice these activities prior to going camping if they’re not that experienced with the outdoors.
Bring some duct tape on your camping trip. It has a myriad of uses for campers, just as it does for homeowners. You may need to patch up a punctured air mattress. It can seal a rip in your tent, sleeping bag, or tarp. Before embarking on an arduous hike, put it on each foot to stave off blisters. It can also work as a bandage.
Make it a point to properly prepare your flashlight when you pack for your trip. It’s easy for the flashlight to accidentally get turned on. To avoid this, store the batteries backwards in your flashlights. This way, if the button is turned on, the flashlight will not light and your batteries remain full.
Before leaving for your trip, write a list of what you need to bring along. This is imperative when there is travel involved during your camping trip. Start packing a few days ahead of your trip, and tick items off as you pack them.
Know the area that you’re setting up your camp in. You don’t want to camp very close to bee hives or ant hills. If you’re near lots of vegetation, you should wear long sleeves and pants to protect your skin from insects. You also might want to have bug repellant nearby.
Make sure you have a charged phone somewhere near you, like in the car. Or, bring an extra battery just in case your battery dies. The cellular phone can be a lifesaver, so it is important to ensure its viability throughout your journey.
Be careful and wise when you are packing. Make a list of what you need, and check off items as you pack. This is very helpful if you’ll be far from civilization.
Study the map of the area you plan to enter in advance and learn how to use a compass. If you are lost, this skill can help you to navigate back to your destination. To avoid a potential tragedy, carry a map and compass with you.
Pack your food properly to avoid food poisoning. Bring preserved foods and foods that don’t spoil easily. Take a lot of ice for keeping food cold and pull out drain plugs so you don’t soak the food.
Sleeping Bag
When selecting a sleeping bag, make sure it’s season-appropriate. If it’s summer time, look for the lightest weight bag you can find, to keep extra cool. When it’s cold, you need to have a sleeping bag that will handle sub zero temperatures.
People that are new at camping sometimes mistakenly set up their camps near restrooms. While this might be convenient, you’ll soon find out differently. The bathroom areas are light sources and draw a great deal of traffic. Therefore, camping is not as comfortable and convenient as expected.
Follow safety procedures. Stay away from wild animals. Squirrels, raccoons and the like can be quite dangerous, even though they are small. It shouldn’t need to be said, but do not give bears food if you encounter them.
When you are camping, clothing layers are ideal. Sometimes the weather changes unexpectedly. For example, it may be very chilly in the morning and very hot and humid in the afternoon. Just as quickly, evening can become cold again. Make sure to layer your clothing so you are prepared for anything.
Every camper should remember to pack toilet paper and baby wipes. Unless you really want to rough it by using leaves, you should always pack plenty of bathroom tissue and wet wipes.
Take along lots of beverages and food when you go camping. If bears are common in the area of your camp, make sure to store any food away from your sleeping area. Burn all burnable garbage so the smells do not attract any bears to the area.
Use the information shared in this article to have a great time on your next trip. Even if you have been camping many times, it doesn’t hurt to expand your knowledge. Take what you’ve just learned to heart, and your next camping trip will be a successful one.