Camping is the ideal getaway for enjoying time with family and friends. Many people don’t go camping because it sounds hard, but it really isn’t. Having the right tips can erase this negative approach. Keep on reading for advice that you can use to be a great camping expert in no time.
Though you may believe that there will be sufficient wood lying around for your fire, you may only be able to find wet lumber that does not easily burn. It’s a great idea to carry your own wood with you and to keep it secure in a dry area.
Over-packing is better than under-packing when it comes to children. Going camping can get really dirty. Almost every child will want to play in the dirt or mud, constantly. So, you are likely to be dealing with grimy kids all day long. You can’t avoid the dirt, but some extra clothes will help out. Be sure you’re prepared!
Lint Filter
The lint from your dryer’s lint filter will help you start a campfire. A month before your camping trip, begin collecting the lint from your dryer’s lint filter. Hang a plastic bag beside your dryer and toss the lint into it. You can just go about your business after that.
You should bring a small, luxurious item along with you to help keep your mood up. Regardless of how authentic you want your experience to be, this can help. Take something like creamer for your coffee or a chocolate candy bar. Small luxuries can make things more enjoyable!
It’s imperative that you locate a safe place to camp and pitch your tent before the sun goes down. This means a safe parking place for RV campers. If you have a tent, find dry, flat ground. If you do this before dark, you can become accustomed to the area around you. Since you will know what you are doing, you’ll prevent frustration.
Ensure that you have everything you need before you go out camping. You never want to forget something important, like a tent or your sleeping bag. Check and double check your list to ensure that you pack everything you need.
When you go camping for the first few times, be sure that your camp is close to where you live. If you have any equipment issues, it is better and easier to cut your trip short when you do not have so far to travel. Also, you can easily get home if you don’t have enough food or clothing. There are many unexpected problems you may encounter the first time you go camping, so stay close to home.
Be certain you are prepared for any event when you’re camping. Things can sometimes go awry, even when carefully planned. The weather is something that can change suddenly, and that can make the environment become more dangerous. Is is essential that you pay attention at all times, not take anything for granted, avoid risks and plan everything carefully.
Watch your kids closely. There are many people coming and going all of the time and you do not want them to get kidnapped or lost. It takes just a second and something can happen; therefore be certain you always give kids the proper supervision.
Orange Peel
Pesky mosquito bites can be avoided with an orange peel. If you neglected to pack mosquito spray, fear not. Seasoned campers suggest that you can rub your skin with the inside of an ripe orange peel. The scent from the orange peel should last for several hours resulting in a long lasting repellent.
A utility knife is one of the most useful camping tools. Utility knives have many uses in a campers tool kit. It may even be a good idea to bring an extra in case your first one gets lost.
When camping, pack carefully and wisely. Make a list of what you need, and check off items as you pack. This is key if you plan to visit a far away spot that is not likely to offer fist aid or other critical supplies.
Learn how to use a compass or read a map, beforehand. Although the camp site may be a familiar one, there may have been changes since your last visit and you could still get lost. You will be able to avoid possible tragedy when you learn how to use both of these life saving items.
When pitching your tent, always make sure you seal the seams. A handy tube is available at many sporting good stores to help you do this. Sealing your tent will keep out rainwater and unwelcome critters.
Food poisoning is a common ailment while camping. If you decide to bring fresh meats you must be sure that you keep it in the right temperature to ensure that it does not spoil. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the cooler for perishables, and do not fail to drain the cooler regularly to prevent soaking the food.
Sleeping Bag
Whenever you’re choosing a sleeping bag, pick one out that’s for the climate you’re in. During the summer, you will want to choose a light sleeping bag. In the winter, thicker bags are necessary to keep you warm.
Make sure to plan fun things to do from your trip’s start to its finish. There is so much more to camping than just roasting marshmallows. Get creative with your trip and plan activities that appeal to all members of your family. Take your children’s age into consideration when making plans.
With any luck, you now see how easy camping can really be. You can master it. Use this advice on your next trip. Soon, you’ll find that you’re a camping expert, and you will be giving out advice to other novices you meet along the way!