Many people like the experience of camping outdoors. You can maximize what your camping trip has to offer by arming yourself with the right tips and knowledge. These tips could mean the difference between another boring camping trip and the experience of a lifetime.
Always seek shelter before it is too dark to assess your surroundings. Once it is dark in the woods, pitching a tent can be next to impossible, finding firewood can be difficult and preparing food hard. This is even more true if you’re accustomed to city life, and your eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness of the woods. To ensure you get your campsite operational arrive several hours before sunset.
Be prepared to get dirty. Don’t stress out when it inevitably happens. Have fun and go with the moment rather than stressing and worrying about it. You can always clean up, and be “normal” when you return home.
When you buy a new tent, always set it up at home once before taking it camping. This will let you know that you’re not missing pieces from your tent and that you know how to pitch your tent in the right way. This kind of “dry run” also helps lower your frustration level when setting up the tent at the campsite
Survival Kit
Bring along an emergency survival kit, and keep it on you for the duration of your camping trip. You should have a bandanna (to use as a sling or tourniquet), wound coverings, something to use for sprains, matches, a knife, tablets to purify water and a compass in your kit. If you were to get lost or were put in an emergency situation, the survival kit will be of great help. This kit should be carried with you and not left back at camp.
Camping has the potential to be thrilling or hazardous, depending on your level of preparation. Always be well prepared prior to leaving on your camping trip. Research the area to learn about the wildlife and the geography and climate.
When camping with children, create special themed breakfasts. Tie to the trees small boxes of cereal, fruit, and juice boxes. Once the children are awake, tell them they need to forage for their meal. This makes an interesting diversion for them during the trip.
Make sure you arrive at the campground before it gets dark. If you are in an RV, park it safely. Search for flat, dry ground when camping in a tent. Making sure this is all done before dark gives you time to become familiar with the area. You can save time by knowing what you are doing.
If you are a camping amateur, keep your camping adventure near your home. You don’t want to be far away if you decide you’ve had enough of camping, or if you have problems with your equipment. You might find that you do not have enough clothes or food. There could be a lot of reasons why you need to end your trip early, so keeping your first trip close to home can save a lot of headaches.
For people who know how to camp properly, camping can be one of the best activities that they can enjoy. You should do some research before planning your next camping trip to make sure you have a positive experience. Heed the advice in this article, and you should be a camping pro soon.