Spending time on a camping trip with family or friends can be a perfect wholesome activity. Sadly, many people avoid camping because they think it might be difficult. It can be easy if you have the best information. Check out this article to learn how to plan the best camping trip.
Make sure that the sleeping bag you bring camping is right for the weather. Bringing a winter bag camping in summer can cause you to roast all night. On the other hand, if you bring along a light-weight bag in the winter, you may feel like you are freezing to death. Extremely cold weather can bring about frostbite.
Be sure to know the recent conditions of where you will be staying. For example, you will want to know if the area will be dry enough to find suitable firewood. Bring some wood and store it in an area that is not moist when you camp.
Let your family members all have a decision when it comes to choosing a campsite. One of the things you will want to discuss is which state you would like to visit. Choosing one can be really hard in the United States, given how many places there are to go! To aid in this decision, you may want to offer a few of those that you personally like the best and than let each family member vote.
When buying a tent, be sure that it’s large enough to accommodate you and any guests you have. Being stuffed into a tent can make it almost impossible to get any sleep, and you certainly do not want to be stepping on people if you have to get out during the night.
A bandanna or handkerchief should be brought along with you. In emergencies, such cloth can turn into a towel, a potholder or a piece of luggage. As you can see, a handkerchief can serve many different purposes on a camping trip.
A surprising tip you may not know about is that the lint from your dryer also doubles as great kindling for your camp fire. Start storing your lint in a bag a couple weeks before your trip. Place a bag near your tumble dryer and just stuff lint from the dryer’s filter into the bag every time it is full. Using this for your kindling will save you time looking for it, and it will work even better than any kindling that you do find.
While kids often have fun when camping, make sure to make plans to keep them entertained. If you are just sitting in the woods, they will end up bored. They may not know what it’s like to fish or do things in nature. If you don’t normally spend time outside, show them before you go camping.
Talk to your children about the dangers of camping before heading out on your trip. You can always visit websites that illustrate the dangers posed by poison ivy as well as other harmful plants.
Take a leash with you if you plan to bring your dog camping. Some people are afraid of dogs. Respecting others at the campsite is vital. Also, dogs can damage your campsite or another person’s campsite if they’re not watched carefully.
If the area you are camping in is known for dangerous wildlife, you will need to be doubly careful with food storage. These precautions include tightly wrapping your foods and storing them away from your tent. You also have to just forgo certain foods entirely. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing an attack.
Keep an eye on your children when you go camping. Cars constantly come and go at campsites, and kids can quickly lose their way in the woods. It doesn’t take more than a minute for something unexpected to happen.
An orange peel may just be the natural answer to repelling mosquitoes when you’re out camping. Don’t worry if you forget the bug spray. Experts suggest rubbing the inside peel of a ripe orange over the exposed parts of your body. This should effectively repel mosquitoes for hours.
As you can see, camping isn’t so difficult. Anyone can learn to perfect the art of camping. Use this advice on your next trip. Soon, you’ll find that you’re a camping expert, and you will be giving out advice to other novices you meet along the way!