So, you’ve decided to go camping? Are you prepared for some camping basics? Though common sense can cover most of these situations, it never hurts to do some homework to ensure that you cover your bases. Here are some tips to ensure you have a fantastic time.
Always locate your shelter before dark when you are camping. It can be hard to set up camp when it’s dark outside. This is very true if you’re used to being in a city where there isn’t any darkness ever. Set up camp before dark to keep yourself from getting into this situation.
Bring a hankerchief or a bandanna with you. Such an item can be used as a carrying bag, a potholder, a hand towel, a blotter or a paper towel. Its uses are innumerable, so it is smart to always have one available.
You don’t have to entirely rough it. Bring a little piece of luxury from home. This can be something simple like fresh coffee or a favorite candy. These small luxuries can really brighten your spirits!
Educate yourself about the area that you are camping in, and know what hazards you could encounter. This refers to things like dangerous fauna, geography and climate. All camping spots have some dangers associated with them and you want to make sure you pick a spot that isn’t too bad.
Bring sufficient amounts of the right kinds of foods. Depending on how long you’re planning to be camping, it’s important to have things that won’t go bad during the trip. A run-in with food poisoning can quickly put an end to a fun trip. Cook and store your food properly during the trip to avoid food poisoning.
Take a leash with you if you plan to bring your dog camping. Some people fear dogs. You must always respect the needs of others when camping. Also, dogs can damage your campsite or another person’s campsite if they’re not watched carefully.
Take along some things to entertain yourself and your family. Create a good scavenger hunt list, pack some fishing poles and carry along some board or card games to entertain you while sitting in the middle of the woods. If the kids are camping with you, you’ll need to increase the amount of entertainment items that you pack.
Duct tape is a handy item to include in your camping gear. Just as it has myriad uses around the house, you can use it for a variety of needs in the woods, too. It can be used to repair holes in air mattresses. You can also use it to patch up a tent, tarp or sleeping bag. Prior to heading off on a long nature hike, place some tape on your heels to avoid blistering. It can also be used in lieu of bandages.
The whole point behind camping is to be one with nature, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it. While it’s important to have a sleeping bag, it’s also recommended to have extra blankets. If the temperature drops at night, you can use the blankets for warmth, or as padding, too.
If you are pitching a tent, look for soft, level ground. Choosing a sloped or rocky area to camp at can make you uncomfortable when in your tent. Make sure to put a tarp down so that water cannot penetrate your tent.
A pre-made list will help you remember exactly what you need for your camping excursion. This is critical if you are going to be covering some ground before getting to the spot where you pitch your tent. Prepare for your trip a couple days prior to leaving and use a check list to ensure you have everything as you pack.
Sleeping Bag
When you are camping, be sure you choose the right sleeping bag for the site conditions. Sleeping bags made of lightweight material are optimal for warmer climates. By contrast, you should invest in a heavy sleeping bag if you plan to camp in a cold area. If you are spending the night in a tent in cold weather, a bag that hugs your body and traps your body heat is essential.
Never let your kids roam out of your sight. Cars and campers will be pulling in and out, and there is always the possibility of little ones getting quickly lost in an unfamiliar forest. Therefore, children should always have close supervision.
Waterproof matches are an absolute essential addition to your camping survival kit. Keep them in a container that is airtight. You could also make your own by coating them with nail polish before you leave for your trip. You can store them in a prescription bottle or film canister.
Try to prevent your tent from getting wet and be sure it is properly ventilated. Condensation from breathing and perspiration can build up in a sealed tent, causing moisture to permeate the walls, roof, floor, and even sleeping bags. You may find yourself quite wet by morning. Tents typically have integrated vents or windows that may be opened slightly to keep moisture accumulations at bay.
If you are thinking about going camping for the first time, you may want to try it out the easy way first. Pitch your tent in your yard and sleep in it for the night. Stay away from your house at all costs. If you find the exercise enjoyable, you might like real camping, too.
After reading this information, you should be aware of things that are important on a camping trip. Camping is by no means a fancy outing, but you should always be prepared for a few basic things that can occur. The information given here can help you have a memorable trip!