Whether you are camping in your backyard or packing up for a trip to the mountains, preparation will make the time spent under the stars more enjoyable for everyone. Read the suggestions that follow in order to motivate you to better prepare for your camping trips. The information will be appreciated when you learn that you need it later.
While it may be that there’s enough wood around to keep a fire going for a long time, some of the wood may be wet and cannot burn no matter what you try. Bring along some dry wood and store it where it remain dry.
You will get dirty. Don’t stress out when it inevitably happens. Take this as an opportunity to enjoy the freedom, let your hair down, and get a little dirtier than usual. You can get clean when you get home.
Get a big enough tent to fit everyone and gear properly. This assures there is enough sleeping and moving around room.
Dryer lint makes wonderful kindling to start your campfires with. Start collecting the lint about a month prior to your trip from the filter in your dryer. Keep a plastic bag right next to the dryer and put the lint in there. Using this for your kindling will save you time looking for it, and it will work even better than any kindling that you do find.
Before going to a new place to go camping, you need to know what dangers may be lurking. This could be anything from wildlife to insects to poisonous plant life that could be a danger to you. Each area can pose different dangers, so familiarize yourself whenever you venture somewhere new.
Take along items to use while you are camping in the wild. Scavenger hunts, card games and fishing poles all add up to wonderful diversions to do in the wild. If kids are coming along for the trip, take even more entertainment with you to keep them from getting bored without their electronics.
It is important to take even greater care storing food if you are planning to travel to an area with active and dangerous wildlife. This means wrapping things up tightly, keeping them far from your tent, and avoiding some types of food completely. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing an attack.
When you find your camping spot, put the tent up on top of the patch of ground that is flattest and softest. Pitching your tent on bumpy, rocky ground or on a slope won’t make for a very comfortable night’s sleep. Always lay down some tarp first to prevent any water damage to the tent.
Think carefully on your next trip to prevent the drainage of your flashlight batteries. You can easily turn on the flashlight while searching through bags and equipment. To make sure your batteries don’t get drained, put the batteries in backwards. Doing this will prevent batteries from being wasted so that you can be confident they will be ready when the time comes to use them.
As you just read, it’s easy to have an enjoyable camping trip if you know what you’re doing. The tips in this article can make a trip fun even for those who are not very outdoorsy. Get out and about and take advantage of what Mother Nature has to offer.