People dream of a relaxing, stress-free camping trip. It’s always important to make sure to take the necessary precautions and handle the preparations properly prior to a camping trip to make sure the trip goes well. Fortunately, in the article below you will find the information you need to have a great camping experience.
Make sure that your sleeping bag is right for the season and climate where you are camping. If you bring sub-zero sleeping bags with you in the dead of summer, you will probably sweat all night. The opposite is true as well, a summer bag won’t keep you warm in the winter. Using a lighter sleeping bag in the winter could actually lead to you developing hypothermia.
If you have bought a brand new tent in preparation for your camping trip, set it up at home first before you use it for camping. This will ensure that your tent is not missing pieces and that you understand how to set up your tent correctly. It also helps with the frustration of putting a tent up.
Be sure your tent is big enough. This will give you the room necessary for a comfortable camping trip.
Check the weather updates for the camping site that you choose to go to. You can visit http://www.weather.com to check the weather just about anywhere. Be sure to look at the 10 day forecast along with extended weather patterns. When you know what the weather is going to be like ahead of time, you can pack the appropriate clothing and equipment.
If you think you’ll miss the luxuries of home, bring along a liitle something. Take something like creamer for your coffee or a chocolate candy bar. Small things like this can increase your enjoyment of the trip.
Duct tape is a must-have when you go camping as it can be used for a variety of things. You can use to help seal leaks and rips and hold together important things that break. It can hold your shoes together if they fall apart, and you can even use it in case of emergencies for a temporary bandage or sling.
Purchase camping pillows for a camping trip! Regular bed pillows can become damp if the weather is wet or humid. Your average pillow will also become moldy from the excessive moisture in the outdoor air. Pillows made specifically for camping have a protective layer that keeps these things from happening.
Camping is a very kid-friendly activity, but you should keep kids busy by planning activities. When you are in the woods with nothing around but trees, they may become bored. They may never have had a chance to set up a tent or catch a fish. Take the time to demonstrate the activities prior to leaving, especially if they’ve never really lived outdoors.
Teach your kids about camping safety before you bring them camping. You can show them some pictures of poisonous plants on the Internet, for example, so they are aware of what to look out for.
You should always have some duct tape along on any camping adventure. It is as convenient for repairs while you are camping as it is at home. This can be used to close up any issues with your air mattress, which can save you money. It can repair a rip in a sleeping bag, tarp or tent. It can be used on feet to help fight off blisters during long hikes. It can even be used to bandage injuries.
Be sure that you have a good amount of lighting devices with you, as well as means of keeping them running. There are times when it is important to be able to see clearly in the dark. If you have a flashlight or lamp you can avoid injury, such as getting poked in the eye by a branch. Make sure you have at least enough flashlights for each person to have their own.
Orange Peel
Pesky mosquito bites can be avoided with an orange peel. Don’t worry if you forgot mosquito repellant. Rubbing your exposed skin with the inside of the orange peel is something recommended by many camping experts. This should effectively repel mosquitoes for hours.
If you’re taking along the kids, pack current pictures of them. If you lose them at some point, a picture will be very helpful to local authorities. When camping far away from your house, remember to bring one in case of an emergency.
If you’re planning on camping, you need to remember to pack energy food like beef jerky and trail mix. When you reach the end of a long day, it may not sound appealing to cook, so it helps to have these things to eat when you’re too tired. Because these items will last a while, you don’t have to eat them right away if you don’t want to.
After your trip, be certain you leave the campsite cleaner than it was when you found it. You need to bring along bags for trash so you can clean up. Don’t leave any food behind either. Leave only your footprints should be your motto as you clean your camp.
As mentioned initially in this article, taking a camping trip is usually a fun adventure. Without being prepared properly, the trip can go belly-up. By using the camping tips and advice you’ve learned here, you can be sure your next trip will be exciting and memorable for all the right reasons. Enjoy yourself!