Camping can be fun and exciting for people that are young, old or anywhere in between. Familiarizing yourself with all the best information will help you get more enjoyment out of it. The following article will help you prepare for your trip out into the wilderness.
Bring sleeping bags appropriate for the season. If you bring sub-zero sleeping bags with you in the dead of summer, you will probably sweat all night. On the other hand, bringing a lightweight sleeping bap for a winter trip can make you really uncomfortable the entire trip. You may even risk hypothermia.
Do not hesitate to pack too much for your kids. Camping can be messy. Kids love the dirt. Children will get dirtier as the day goes on. While this cannot usually be prevented, be sure to pack some extra clothing. Don’t be caught without something you need!
Never forget to see what the weather will be like in the area you will be camping at, prior to leaving. The Internet is a great resource for finding weather related information for the area you will be camping in. When you know what the weather is going to be like ahead of time, you can pack the appropriate clothing and equipment.
If a pet accompanies you to the campground, do not just let him or her run free. Other campers may not like dogs, or could even be afraid of them. You must show respect for others when you camp. Also, dogs can damage things around your campsite, or another person’s if they aren’t being watched.
When it comes to camping, anything can happen and it’s important to always be prepared. Make sure you have put a little thought into things in case the unexpected does occur. Also, be aware that the weather can be very unpredictable. Never take unnecessary risks or be careless, and always think before you act.
Look for the softest and flattest ground you can possibly find for your tent. This will ensure that your sleeping area is comfortable. Always put down a tarp in order to stop water from getting into your tent.
Plan to save the light of your flashlight before you go camping. You may accidentally turn on a flashlight while you’re looking through what you have packed for your trip. To avoid drained batteries, store your flashlights with the batteries backwards. They will stay handy but a thoughtless push of the button will not turn the flashlight on.
Ensure you bring some flashlights and extra batteries whenever you go camping. There will be times when you will need to see clearly after the sun goes down. Having that extra light source might help to prevent a fall or accident, or even getting lost in the woods. If you are bringing children on your trip, it’s a good idea to provide each of them with their own light.
Be aware of the location of your campsite. You want to avoid erecting your tent near a wasp’s nest or other insect habitats. Make sure that everyone wears long sleeved clothing if you camp near abundant vegetation, to minimize poison and insect issues. This way you ensure your safety as much as possible.
One great piece of equipment to carry while camping is a spare utility knife. Utility knives serve many functions so bring along at least one.
Cell Phone
Always make sure that your cell phone is with you when you get to your campsite, and it should be fully charged. It is an even better idea to bring extra batteries as an emergency backup. Your cell phone is the best piece of emergency equipment you have so make sure it doesn’t die on you.
Duct tape is an important piece of camping equipment. Tents may get torn, in which case duct tape can provide a seal. A little duct tape can be the difference between a comfortable and dry night’s sleep and a drippy night spent awake.
Know how to use a compass and map before you head into the woods. It is still possible to get lost at the camp grounds even though you have already been there, because campsites look similar. You can avoid a possible disaster by becoming knowledgeable about using these items that can save your life.
It may seem trivial to remind you of this, but do not forget to bring toilet paper along when you pack. Many camping trips involve trees as toilets. If you forget the toilet paper, you may be forced to use leaves, some of which could be poison ivy.
The best way to dress for camping is in layers. Even if you check the weather ahead of time, weather can change with very little notice. You might find that the morning is cold, but the afternoon is hot and humid. Late evenings often bring another cold spell. Dressing in layers will allow you to easily change your clothes as the weather changes.
Many different kinds of people love to go camping. To guarantee a successful camping trip, a foundation of knowledge is necessary. Hopefully the information shared here will help.