You can leave the every day world far behind on a relaxing camping trip. You get to enjoy all of nature and leave your worries behind. These tips can help you out when you go camping in the future.
Select the right sleeping bag for the season. You are going to be really hot and uncomfortable camping in the summertime if your sleeping bag is rated for sub-zero temperatures. The opposite is true as well, as you need a good, heavy sleeping bag when you are going to be enduring very cold conditions. Without protection, you are running the risk of developing hypothermia.
Look at the weather forecast prior to leaving for your trip. The Internet is a great resource for finding weather related information for the area you will be camping in. When you have some idea of how the weather will behavior while you are camping, you can pack appropriate clothing and equipment.
Bring oranges with you since they are great for snacking and repelling insects. Don’t throw away the peels when you are finished with them and rub them on yourself. Apply to any skin that’s exposed to keep insects away with no chemicals. It’s a lot cheaper than spending your money on bug spray!
Try to get your camp fully set up by nightfall. If you are in a vehicle, this means find a secure spot to park the vehicle. When pitching a tent, a level, dry area is needed. This should be done before nightfall as is it much more difficult to navigate when it is dark. This will also let you avoid the frustration of doing it when it’s not at easy to see what you are doing.
Bring duct tape with you since it can help you in many situations. It works quickly in a pinch for tent holes, inflatables with leaks, shoes with worn soles, securing the tent to its pole, sealing up your mosquito netting and many, many more things.
Take some things to do on your camping trip. Card games, fishing poles, scavenger hunt lists and other supplies can make hanging out in the woods more fun. If you are taking children camping, you might want to bring more activities than you think you are going to need.
Did you just purchase a new tent for your trip? It’s vital to learn all that you can before you leave about your tent. This will enable you to learn how to pitch the tent properly and make sure all of the equipment is fully functional. That way, you can get things done rapidly once you get to the campsite.
Carry an additional utility knife in case your original one breaks. Utility knives can be quite versatile, so be sure to have an extra with you.
Bringing along a cell phone with a full charge isn’t a bad idea while camping. Bring extra batteries in case the first one dies. This is an important thing to have and you need to make sure you can use it if you need.
Clean out your campsite before you leave to go back home. You will want to bring trash bags for cleaning up all refuse. Don’t forget to pack up your leftovers. When you leave your campsite, the only thing you should leave are your footprints.
Though it might seem like a no-brainer, do not forget your toilet paper. If there are no toilets at your destination, you will need to use nature as a bathroom. Rather than using leaves as a substitute, just bring your own toilet paper.
When selecting a sleeping bag, you need to make sure that you select a bag that is suitable for the season that you are going camping in. For example, summertime camping calls for a lightweight bag that helps you stay cool. This is a good piece of knowledge to follow because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable sleeping.
Food safety should be maintained while you are on your trip. Keep food in containers that can’t get water in them, and bags that are airtight. Also carry ice packs so you can insulate and cool your food. Prevent cross-contamination of raw and cooked foods by storing them separately. Always wash your hands, cutting boards and preparation surfaces to optimize safety and keep yourself from getting food poisoning. Also, be sure that all food is fully cooked and that any leftovers are chilled as soon as possible.
Plan to dress in layers. You may find that the weather conditions can change rapidly. The morning may have a chill, but the afternoon may be balmy or sweltering hot. Also, as soon as night time begins to fall, temperatures can plummet. By dressing in layers of clothing, you can easily shed layers when the temperature rises and then add layers when the temperature drops.
Make sure to plan fun things to do from your trip’s start to its finish. Campfires and marshmallows are not the only things to do on a camping trip. Plan activities that create fun for everyone at the campsite. Make sure to plan some fun for even the youngest members of your group.
Keep dry, fresh, and well-ventilated inside the confines of your tent. When your sleeping quarters are entirely sealed, from head to toe, condensation gathers and can aggravate the breathing. You’ll wake up wet. Tents usually have some openings in them to ensure that moisture doesn’t build up too much.
Always bring along your first aid kit. Include all the items you would require in the event of a mishap. You need to put essentials in your kit such as splints, bandages, snake bite remedies and gauze for dressing wounds. Safety is important when camping, but accidents do happen, so you have to be prepared.
Camping is an enjoyable way to spend time. It offers a fun escape and a chance to enjoy nature. By using the tips you’ve learned here, you can have a stress-free and memorable camping trip.