Are you somewhat fearful of going camping? Do not let that prevent you from undertaking this adventure. With a little confidence and some great advice, you can do it! You’re exactly where you need to be. The following article will show you the best camping guidelines you can find on the internet.
When you go camping, you wand to find shelter before the sun goes down. Finding the right spot for your tent, gathering firewood and making dinner are all a lot tougher after darkness settles in. This is particularly true for anyone accustomed to city living and unfamiliar with pitch dark woods. Don’t let this happen to you, and have a shelter set up before dark.
All participants should have a say in where you go camping. Talk about which state you would like to go to. Try to keep a small list, as there is such an abundance of spots to choose from, it can be hard to pick one. Try to select a short-list and then put it to a family vote.
Check out what the weather is going to be like before you leave for your destination. This can give you an idea of what you will be experiencing on your trip. If you have the correct information, you can pack properly.
If you’ve brought the kids along, feed them a “jungle” breakfast. Bring small cereal boxes, juice drinks and fruit, and keep them tied up high in the trees. When your kids get up, have them hunt down their breakfast. It adds some fun to camping.
Try to fit swimming into your schedule in some way. When camping, home showers can seem like a luxury. Cool water will make you feel clean and fresh, so you may not miss your shower at all.
Emergency Kit
No matter if you are going camping alone, or with a huge group, you need to always bring along an emergency kit. Pack an emergency kit that contains basic first aid supplies as well as anything needed for the specific location in which you are camping. Take things for specific creatures as well, like antivenom.
Even in a remote site where you plan on roughing it, you can enhance your camping trip with a small piece of luxury. Your favorite candy bar or some prepackaged creamers for your morning coffee are light and simple to bring along. You can really feel good on your trip when you bring these food items.
Oranges are great for camping since they’re healthy, easy to eat, and they also keep mosquitoes away. When you finish eating them, save all of your peels and rub them around your body to use as a natural insect repellent.
Know what dangers await you at your camping destination. This refers to things like dangerous fauna, geography and climate. Each area can pose different dangers, so familiarize yourself whenever you venture somewhere new.
When it comes to camping, anything can happen and it’s important to always be prepared. Anything can happen while camping so it is crucial to be prepared. Injuries, illnesses and the weather can change suddenly. The more time you spend preparing for the unforeseen, the better off you will be when it comes to dealing with an emergency later on.
When planning for a camping trip, make sure you bring beef jerky and trail mix. You may find yourself too tired to prepare food and these nutritious snacks could be very satisfying. Such foods will also remain edible for quite some time, so will not go to waste if you don’t eat them up on your trip.
Duct Tape
Always pack a roll of duct tape when you go camping. Tents are usually more durable than they used to be, but they can still get torn. The right strip of duct tape can mean sleeping dry at night after your tent has suffered damage during a day that was more exciting that you wanted.
Reading a map and using a compass are two things that should be done before heading out for a camping trip. Even if you’ve been to your campsite before, getting lost one time can still happen since many areas will looks the same. This skill can potentially save your life.
Waterproof matches are an essential part of any camping survival kit. Store waterproof matches in a canister that is airtight. To save money, dip regular matches in shellac, nail polish or wax to make your own waterproof matches. You can use an old 35mm film canister to store them. A medicine bottle also works as a viable storage container.
If you are tenting, it is important that you seal any of the seams in your tent. You can purchase a tube of tent seam sealer at all good sporting goods stores. Sealing your tent will keep out rainwater and unwelcome critters.
After having read the above tips, you should feel more knowledgeable about camping as a whole. Whether your adventure will take you on a wild adventure or just into your own backyard, these tips will help. You will soon find that you are enjoying the allure of camping more and more frequently.